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Providing Professional Education + Preparation

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I am available to provide training and evaluations for compatibility with Service Dog work programs. I can evaluate your dog to ensure that they have the physical capability to perform certain tasks and the correct temperament to ensure they are physically sound for those jobs.


Some of the categories I can train dogs to assist with include but are not limited to: PTSD, Mobility Assistance, anxiety, etc. I provide training for psychiatric service animals, therapy dogs, alert dogs, and more. 



I am a coordinator for the AAEC High School’s Canine Education Program, a program created to help place working dogs with well-deserving members of the community. This student-based class is part of our 4 CTE (Career and Technical Education) pathway tracks, which are Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Equestrian and Service Dog Training.

It provides tremendous opportunity for leadership and responsibility skills for AAEC students. It requires a 4 year commitment culminating in an externship at year 4 with at least 2 years made up of a student handler and their working dog in training. The team will go through a rigorous curriculum that will prepare the student for life after high school and the dog for its canine career. 



The Canine Education curriculum expands topics including basic working knowledge of basic canine medicine, anatomy & physiology, nutrition, and behavior. It also includes topics such as canine training techniques, learning theory, disability awareness, and federal and state regulations regarding service dogs.  


Once the dogs have graduated they are placed as service dogs or working dogs for the public. Service dogs are gifted free of charge to veterans, first responders, and other individuals that have served the community with disabilities.  Working dogs train for public service careers that aid the community, such as search and rescue, therapy dogs, scent detection dogs, mobility assist, psychiatric service animals etc. 

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